Seedy business: A sustainable-ag champion gets plowed under at Iowa State

Imagine trying to operate an Anti-Cronyism League from Bush's West Wing, and you get an idea of what the Leopold Center is up against. Industrial agriculture runs the show in Iowa, sustained by regular infusions of federal cash and its government-sanctioned ability to "externalize" the messes it creates. The state grabbed $12.5 billion in federal agriculture subsidies between 1995 and 2004 -- second only to Bush's own home state. Iowa leads all states in hog production: It churned out 14.5 million pigs in 2001 alone, the vast majority from stuffed, environmentally and socially ruinous CAFOs (confined-animal feeding operations).
Yet since springing to life in 1987 by fiat of the Iowa legislature -- funded ingeniously by state taxes on nitrogen fertilizer and pesticide -- the Leopold Center has become an invaluable national resource for critics of industrial agriculture and seekers of new alternatives.
Now, however, a sudden purge at the top has called the Center's much-prized independence from industrial agriculture into question.
The Leopold Center operates under the authority of Iowa State University's College of Agriculture. Last Friday, the college issued a press release announcing that the Leopold Center's director of five years, Fred Kirschenmann, had "accepted a new leadership role as a distinguished fellow of the center."
The college went on to state that it had named an interim director, effective Nov. 1.
Kirschenmann himself, however, tells a more interesting tale than what's contained in the press release's bland prose. He says his move from director to "distinguished fellow" came suddenly and without his own input.
"On Wednesday [Oct. 26] I received a letter from the interim dean asking me to resign by Friday and decide by then if I would accept the position of distinguished fellow at the center," Kirschenmann told me yesterday.
"I wrote her [the interim dean] back telling her I thought she was moving too fast, that there wouldn't be time for a smooth transition. She wrote back that it was a done deal -- she had already named a new director."
Kirschenmann says the interim dean, Wendy Wintersteen, had been on Leopold's advisory board for years and had served on the search committee that hired him in 2000. "She was always very supportive of what we were doing," Kirschenmann says. "Until about two years ago. Then she became very critical."
Her critique centered on the idea that in its work the Leopold Center was neglecting "key stakeholders," Kirschenmann adds. "But she never really clarified who those stakeholders were."
Might she have been refering to agribusiness interests? "You can draw your own conclusions," Kirschenmann says. She never cited any reason for the de facto purge, save for "some verbiage about how I would be free to pursue my own work without having to worry about administrative duties."
To be sure, Iowa State's College of Agriculture draws agribusiness cash the way a penned-up pig wallowing in its own waste draws flies. I have a call into the college for a list of corporate donors; until that call is returned, let it suffice that this is the sort of research the college commonly proffers: A study claiming to show that the genetically modified seed industry deserves a greater "level of intellectual property protection ... than what existed in the North American seed corn market in the late 1990s." Collaborators: a pair of scientists from GM seed titan Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc., a subsidiary of DuPont.
Here are glowing testimonials from two of the college's "partners": John Deere and Cargill.
Kirschenmann says he accepted the "distinguished fellow" position because Wintersteen assured him he could continue doing his own work on sustainable agriculture. And that work is important. Under Kirschenmann the Leopold Center bluntly criticized and rigorously documented the environmental and social calamities being wrought by industrial agriculture.
Will he continue to be able to do that work at Leopold? "We'll see how it goes," he told me.
In the meantime, I'll be doing some research about which corporations and commodity groups give what to Iowa State's College of Agriculture.
Readers can express their outrage at this violation of academic freedom and blow to independent research on sustainable agriculture by writing to the following parties.
Wendy K. Wintersteen
Interim dean, ISU College of Agriculture
Benjamin J. Allen
Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost
This post originally appeared on Gristmill
Tom: When you employ phrases like, "Imagine trying to operate an Anti-Cronyism League from Bush's West Wing, and you get an idea of what the Leopold Center is up against," you unneccessarily couple our case with leftist politics. Do you hope only to convince Bush-haters to side with you on this issue? If so, while you're at it, why not pile on all the other issues that you support, such as ending US support of Isreal. That way you also alienate all the pro-Isreal people who might side with you on the issue of pig farming.
Your link to Grist at the bottom doesn't work. It looks like you just have just a link to "", so it's translating it as "", which obviously isn't correct :)
Also, paul, I think it's pretty obvious that
a.) Tom isn't a republican or anything; anyone who reads most of his site and is a huge george bush fan unfortunately won't take anything he says seriously
b.) cronyism is RAMPANT in the bush white house, but then again, it's always rampant in the white house. He doesn't have to necessarliy be aligning himself with leftists by saying that.
George: I think it is unfortunate that Tom presents his food message in leftist packaging, because he deprives himself of supporters who are free marketeers, libertarians, republicans, etcs. I agree that the rest of his site contains this unneccessary interjection of leftist messaging. This is too bad, because most of his "bitter greens" philosophy has appeal outside of the leftist world.
There are perhaps parts of his "bitter greens" viewpoint which are inhernetly leftist, but his comment about "cronyism in the Bush white house" was certainly not one of them. It was gratiatous, and even non-specific to Bush, as you correctly point out. Would his article have suffered by not including this comment? No. Would it have turned-off leftist readers? No. Would it have offered more appeal to non-leftists? Sure.
This choice of Tom's suggests to me that he is not serious about maximizing support for the bitter greens perspective. I, on the other hand, seriously want to maximize support for such things as public schools banning refined sugar, hydrogenated oils, table salt, food colorings, etc. Also, I want my public school tax dollars spent on purchasing local produce, and raw dairy as well. All I have described is pure "bitter greens", but none of it is inherently leftist. There are Bush voters out there who want this as well. If Tom is going to take the time to promote such views, what does he gain by limitting his appeal to fellow Bush haters? What does he lose? And what does he lose by pulling the gratuitous anti-Bush comments?
1) Do you read these comments?
2) Your link for this article to gristmill is broken.
Dear Paul,
If you think Bush supports your stated cause: "of banning refined sugar, hydrogenated oils, table salt, food colorings, etc. Also, I want my public school tax dollars spent on purchasing local produce, and raw dairy as well", then well, I have a war in Iraq I'd like to sell you. Now, Tom Harkin and other Democrats agree with that war, so clearly there's a problem here.
Stop the Bush Loving and maybe the Bush Haters will agree with your program. I suspect you're far too indoctrinated for that to occur. Good luck though!
Dear "Anonymous":
1) Please justify your charactorization of me as "Bush loving." I defy you to find any compliments by me for Bush.
2) Please justify your impression that I think Bush supports my Bitter Green view of food.
3) Please help me to understand how introducticing anti-Bush comments into this discussion will help us attract pro-Bush to our view.
4) I have a kid in public schools. Presumably a strong majority of the staff opposes Bush and votes democrat. My daughter is now in her third school, and for the third time I have tried to convince the principal to switch the school food probram to an organic one. It would be impossible for these three principals to be *less* interested in doing so. I do not think that anti-Bush people are very open to the idea of healthful eating.
Hey Paul,
I'm afraid you've lost me. Tom mentions, as an aside, that the Bush White House is rampant with cronyism, a condition that presently is doing great harm to the health of our republic. There's no need for him to elaborate, since the column is about food, and the present White House cronyism and the harm caused by it is obvious to most Americans with functioning neurons. This is not about "leftist politics," this is about calling a spade a spade.
Maybe if you spent less time trying to sanctify the pResident Chimperor McLie-us-all-into-war, and spent more time advocating for a sustainable local organic food system, your kids would have something good to eat at school.
-otus anonymous
In the wake of FEMA director Brown ("you're doing a heckuva job, Brownie") and Supreme Court nominee Miers ("absolutely the best I could find"), Fox News pundits and right-wing evangelicals have thundered and fulminated against Bush's cronyism. All presidents choose friends and supporters for top positions; most at least bow in the direction of conventional qualification. Bush has consistently shaken his fist at that notion. When he was just handing frothy no-bid contracts to his pals at Halliburton, bearding him for "cronyism" might have had a left-wing tinge. These days, it's the sort of thing you might read in the Weekly Standard or the Washington Times.
Tom: Your justification for using this one anti-Bush line might survive for me if this was the only instance.
But even in this case, you're taking your readers into irrellevent diviciveness. Isn't your goal to increase interest in sustainable ag, rather than get some easy nods from fellow lefties? I certainly understand attacking Bush for policies that directly affect sustainable ag, and for hiring people into Ag-related posts for which they're not qualified.
Sadly, I will conclude that "Bitter Greens" stands not generally for organic, sustainable, etc. ag, but rather specificially for *leftist* organic, sustainable, etc., ag.
You might glue your positions to other largely irrellevent divisive issues to your commentaries as well. "Toss the spinich leaves as a murderous anti-choice abortion bomber might toss a molitov cocktail"; "Health-concious Americans supporting big-ag farm subsidies makes as much sense as Clarance Thomas voting against Affirmative Action"; "Commercial tomatoes have as much color as Karl Rove has honest ideas".
Fair nuff. Maybe I was playing to the back row, to the greenies over at Grist. But I do not think sustainable-ag issues play out in a vacuum. For example, the U.S. occupation regime in Iraq has deliberately tweaked that country's law to be friendly to Monsanto--another reason why I find you painfully earnest for believing the "democracy" apology for why we invaded Iraq. Also, the same impulse that makes someone want to bluster into the ANWR to extract a year or two of oil, destroying habitat forever, makes someone want to abuse soil with chemicals to squeeze out a bunch of cheap and nutritionally marginal food. Both attitudes defy sustainabilityand quality of life and respect only one bottom line: that of profit. If Bitter Greens is doing its job, it should infuriate die-hard Democrats and Republicans alike. Both parties promote policies that prop up a ruinous food system--among other crimes. the Republicans get more heat from now now, well, because the control the House, the Senate, the Supreme Court, and the presidency. (All, it might be added, with at best a slim and falling majority of support.)
Here's the link to a post I did about GM agriculture in iraq:
Tom: I think it is proper and effective for you to specifically attack Bush for anti-ag policies. When you do so without first having issued a gratuatous aside, you have your best chance at attracting a Bush supporter to agree with you on the main point, while you have done nothing to lesson the chance that your leftist readers will support you.
As you know, I am a supporter of "profits." The reason that Monsanto makes maximum profits from centralized mega-farms that produce marginally nutritious food full of toxins, etc., is that this is what the people mostly want. I view you and me as allies in selling "the people" on prefering something else... a preference that will shift those evil profits to small, decentralized farms and artisan food producers.
In this scheme, people like you greedy bastards at Maverick Farms will increase your profits by increasing the amount of nutrients that you infuse into your foods. I am certain that there are many corporate pigs and war mongers who want local spinach fertilized exclusively with mulched leaves and manure, etc. And you must admit that there are butt loads of peaceniks and advocates of "national healthcare" who prefer twinkies and pepsi and whose only consideration when grocery shopping is price.
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Another Inconvenient Truth
[Animals] were not made for humans any more than black people were made for whites or women for men.
Alice Walker
The time will come when people such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of people.
Leonardo da Vinci
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There is a direct relationship between eating meat and the environment.
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If anyone wants to save the planet, all they have to do is just stop eating meat. That's the single most important thing you could do.
Paul McCartney
Eco-Eating: Eating as if the Earth Matters
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